I na kraju... Zasto stalno vidim 11:11?... Psihologija

mada potpuno si u pravu kad malo bolje razmislim. meni je covek pricao da kad stavis sonijeve baterije to oznacava neku promenu u zivotu. a kad stavis panasonikove, to je onda znak da potiskujes neke traume iz detinjstva.

medjutim... paj sad... ako stavis rasparne ili neke sa buvljaka, to znaci bice kise.

a sta ako stavis Duracell? Da li je bitno da li ih stavis odnapred ili odpozadi?

ne nikako!!! otpozadi nikako duracell samo oda spreda.

ne valja se. mada kao eksperimenat, ponekad, sta znam...


Vidim lepo ste caskali o broju 11:11. Bubi trazila si od mene odgovor.

Mislim da 11:11 oznacava nove pocetke u zivotu. Bolje receno napredovanje. Broj 11 pocetak neceg novog, zavrsetak toga, pa onda opet nesto novo i tako u nedogled.

Znaci dokle god je 11 u opticaju nadajte se nekom napredovanju i usavrsavanju u zivotu, bilo koji posao da je u pitanju.

Normalno pritom ni slucajno nemojte da kupujete digitalni sat tamo gde vas Smorivoje savetuje:)

Kod mene je sad sve u znaku 21.


ja cesto vidjam 22:22 - sta bi to trebalo da predstavlja?

darma, da li znas da protumacis sve kombinacije?
ako je tako, molim te, napisi nekoliko.

Re: 21

darma: Mislim da 11:11 oznacava nove pocetke u zivotu. Bolje receno napredovanje. Broj 11 pocetak neceg novog, zavrsetak toga, pa onda opet nesto novo i tako u nedogled.


nemojte da je slusate, nema pojma ona!!!
ja sam gore lepo napisao sta to znaci.

da li je moguce da se covek od 40 godina ponasa nezrelo kao dete od 5?!



ko je tebi dozvolio da citas dole sve sta pise u chatu?!
pa ne sluzi to za to, to sluzi kad dodjes da kuckas i pises i da se salimo, a ne tu da gledas dole sta je ko pisao. to je nepristonjno!!!

duboko ste me razocarali. svi.
duboko sam razocaran...


blago tebi... :cry:

Smorivoje,smiri strasti inace cu morati da ti stavim restrikcije.

To bubastra navijam za tebe. I jos nesto ima 41. Ne citam chat nego je to meni nekad davno rekao pa zaboravio


Naravno da nije slucajnost sto stalno vidis 11:11! Ne znam koliko te zanima Alhemija,Secret Geometryi koliko ce to ovo sto cu ti poslati biti jasno u trenutku, ali sam sigurna da ces kada dodje vreme razumeti...Broj 11 je Master Broj i predstavlja balas, napisan u obliku 11:11 je poruka tvojoj podsvesti da je vreme da se probudi...To sto primecujes da se to ponavlja, znaci samo da je budjenje vec pocelo...
Saljem ti sledeci tekst na engleskom:
When you see a repetition of numbers, your DNA is being activated on some level. You are remembering that that you are now returning to higher frequency vibration also called the return of the Feminine Energies - Rebirth - Christ Consciousness - Return of Jesus or another Savior - Evolution of Consciousness into total awareness - and so on. Many believe awakening ocmes through healing and the creation of balance - 11.

You will experience a sudden awakening after which reality is never the same. You are going to create clarity, healing and balance for yourself. Do not expect others in your life to be on this journey with you. It is yours alone as it is for most souls. You will have to seek new friends of like mind who are also being triggered by the digits. Once you open the Digital Door - there is no going back. Your soul will automatically and quickly move you from level to level of experience until you 'get it'. Your consciousness is expanding and therefore you will - manifest faster and with greater comprehension - becoming more aware of the meaning of synchronicities that will become more and more frequent. They are created by your soul creates to help you remember that you are a soul spark in a physical program that is about to end - evolve back to higher consciousness.

Once you see your numeric codes - you have activated something in your DNA codes and they will continue to appear until you 'get the message' ... it is 'time' to move on.

Upon seeing your digit encoded numbers - you may feel a sense of urgency or related emotions. Chill out! For NOW there is TIME!

The numbers usually signal changes in the patterns of your life.

They may confirm something that you are experiencing whenever the numbers appear to you.

You may dream also about the numbers - linked with things you do not as yet understand - or wke up at the same time every night with those numbers on your digital clock - ie. 11:11
About number 11 - 11 is double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. In Numerology - 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner. Eleven is a higher octave of the number two . It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.

Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind - our genetic encoded memories ... that we are spirits having a physical experience - not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience.

11:11 - or derivatives of these numbers - 111 and 11 - are digits that repeat in time - thus a metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations - our personal experiences and lessons - loops in time - whatever - they are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint.

The numbers say, "Pay attention!"

11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness.
